Kidd LLC
  • "I visited the new store in Rochester and must congratulate you and your associates on what I consider one of the most attractive retail stores built in recent years. I think our salon is absolutely beautiful and I understand it was your fine touch which helped bring this about. My appreciation and congratulations."
    Malcolm Seligman, Seligman & Latz, Inc.
  • "Kay Kendall is always able to meet my budget in a very classy style. The followup is excellent, I know when items are to arrive ahead of time and can always schedule installs in a timely fashion. Kay's follow through is a real strength, excellent and painless experience. I use her on a regular basis."
    Holly Stringham, The Elaine Apartments
  • "We continue to enjoy our new home and know that much of our enjoyment is the result of all your talent and effort." Residential Client
  • "...Not only did I marvel at the layout and use of our Sawgrass, Les Fauves and Seurat, but I admired the use of the white pattern piece from another mill... Thank you for your support towards Masland carpets. Both you and Jacobson's have shown leadership in creating excitement in retail space." Robert P. Masland III, Masland Carpets, Inc.
  • "Thanks for all of your help with the project. I'm confident it will be beautiful when it's done — but only because of your skill and talent." Residential Client
  • "It's fun to work with you." Residential Client